Local Contacts Register Here

Local 24-Hour Contact

• As of February 2023, if you are an Owner that does not reside within 1-hour of the City of Marathon, your local contact person is also required to register/complete our training.

• Just like an owner, local contacts do not have to pay for registration.

• The purpose is to educate the person on the most current rules and regulations of vacation rentals, and for them to attest they live within the required City Limits.

• Local contacts must create THEIR OWN ACCOUNT on the online portal, input their information, and upload the notarized form.

Local contacts must renew the training every year.

• If you are a local contact for several properties, you only need to complete the training once per year and this will cover all properties you maintain as the local contact.


If you are 24-hour local contact to a property, you will need to complete the training and register with the City.  The agent license is separate from the vacation rental property license. Once the training is complete, you will be issued a VRA number.

 Follow these directions to become the local contact:

Please follow this link (login or create an account first) then revisit this link to upload the notarized form to complete your registration: https://marathonfl.viewpointcloud.com/categories/1076/record-types/6439